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8 years ago

Our students won special scholarships

In this semester two students won special scholarships.

One of the winners of Barabási László scholarship from this year is Nóra Thieme, student from the Faculty of Sciences and Arts Cluj-Napoca, Enviromental Science Department, with her research project addressing human-bear conflicts in the Székelyföld region of the Eastern Carpathians (Research supervisor: Tibor Hartel, PhD). The Barabási László scholarship was announced by the Pillangó Fundation scholarship program, with the headquarter in New York. The Pillangó Fundation's goal is to contibute to the funding of higher education students with Hungarian nationality from Transylvania having exelent results.


Eszter Rápó, a third-year student of the Environmental Science Department, has obtained a research scholarship of the Márton Áron College, offered by the Hungarian Ministry of Human Resources and the Balassi Institute of Budapest (Research supervisor: Szende Tonk, PhD). This project aims to develop an efficient fitoremediational method for removing dyes from natural waters.



Third-year students at a study programme at Budapest

At the end of February (19-24), third-year students of the Environmental Science Department visited Budapest as part of the Makovecz Programme. The main organiser of the study trip was Professor Tamás Weiszburg.

2 months ago


19th Edition of the Environmental Science Conference in the Carpathian Basin

This year the conference on environmental sciences will be held in Debrecen (Hungary), at the Research Centre for Nuclear Sciences on April, 3-5th, 2024. The call is available for professors, researchers, students and PhD students, as well.

2 months ago


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Sapientia Erdélyi Magyar Tudományegyetem

Sapientia Erdélyi Magyar Tudományegyetem, Természettudományi és Művészeti Kar, Kolozsvár

Sapientia Erdélyi Magyar Tudományegyetem, Nemzetközi Kapcsolatok és Európai Tanulmányok Szak, Kolozsvár

Sapientia Erdélyi Magyar Tudományegyetem, Jog Szak, Kolozsvár

Sapientia Erdélyi Magyar Tudományegyetem, Filmművészet, Fotóművészet, Média Szak, Kolozsvár

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