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The 11th Edition of the Carpathian Basin Conference on Environmental Science, Pécs, 6–9th May 2015
Between the 6th and 9th of May 2015 the 11th Edition of the Carpathian Basin Conference on Environmental Science took place in Pécs, Hungary, organized by the University of Pécs and the Faculty of Sciences and Arts of the Sapientia University from Cluj. Teachers and students of the Environmental Science Department of the Sapientia University contributed in a significant number with presentations in different sessions.
9 years ago
Academic evening with Heiling Zsolt
On 14 May, Heilng Zsolt, Head of Földgömb magazine’s publishing company, held a presentation about We ׳ re in the TV, the Földgömb Atacama Climate Monitoring Expedition in media.
9 years ago
Scientific presentations at the Bethlen Gábor College, Aiud
On 13th May 2015, three lecturers of the Environmental Science Departament held prezentations with the aim of popularizing science in the Bethlen Gábor College, Aiud.
9 years ago
Study trip to Budapest…
Between May 5-9, 2015, we, the students of the Faculty of Environmental Sciences of the Sapientia University, took part on an annual study trip to Budapest, under the guidance of assistant professor dr. Szende Tonk.
9 years ago
Study tour to the Sewage Treatment Plant from Someșeni, 29th of April 2015
On the 29th of April 2015, student of Environmental Studies participated to a study tour to the municipal Sewage Treatment Plant located in Someșeni.
9 years ago
Scientific presentation at the Reformed College, Sfântu Gheorghe
On 29th April three lecturers of the Environmental Science Departament held prezentations with the aim of popularizing science in the Reformed College, Sfântu Gheorghe.
9 years ago
Garden of the Dragons, April 28, 2015
It has become a tradition for us to visit the sandstone formations at the neighborhood of Jibou, which are known as the Garden of the Dragons. We do this in order to examine in its natural state at least a part of what we were told during the lectures of geomorphology.
9 years ago
Academic Evening, April 21, 2015
Veterinarian dr. Dósa Gerő held a presentation about the human-dog relationship.
9 years ago
Another Kind of School 2015
The Environmental Sciences Department participated in the school programme “Another Kind of School” (Scoala Altfel) organised between 7–10 April, lecturers holding scientific presentations in eight schools from seven cities: Csiky Gergely College from Arad, Reformed College from Satu Mare, Németh László High School from Baia Mare, Ady Endre High School from Oradea, Reformed College and Nagy Mózes High School from Cristuru Secuiesc, Salamon Ernő High School from Gheorgheni, Apáczai-Csere János High School from Cluj-Napoca.
9 years ago
Scientific Conference organized for students, 2015
On 24th and 25th March our faculty organized for the second time the Scientific Conference for Students.
9 years ago
Academic Evening, March 24, 2015
On 24 March, geologist Rózsa Péter, PhD, from the University of Debrece held a scientific presentation about the anthropogenic geomorphology.
9 years ago
Academic Evening, March 18, 2015
On 18 March, Dr. Braun Mihály, senior researcher at the ATOMKI – Institute for Nuclear Research of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences presented a paleolimnologycal study carried out in the glacial lakes of the Retezat Mountains.
9 years ago
Academic Evening, March 10, 2015
Ojos del Salado is a massive stratovolcano in the Andes on the Argentina–Chile border, in the Atacama Desert and the highest active volcano in the world (6,893 m). Despite the generally dry conditions, there is a permanent crater lake on the eastern side of the mountain.
9 years ago
Participative scenario planning exercise with Polish ecologists, led by teacher from our Department
At 8-11 december Tibor Hartel, invited by Prof. Piotr Tryjanowski, from the Zoological Institute of the Poznan University, Poland, give a lecture, then a seminar about social-ecological systems.
10 years ago