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Trekking through the Scăriţa-Belioara Nature Reserve

Trekking through the Scăriţa-Belioara Nature Reserve

On the 15th of March, the Department organized a trekking through the Şesul Craiului – Scăriţa Belioara Nature Reserve (Apuseni Mountains), with a lot of participating students.

7 years ago

Geomorphology themed outdoor practice, 28th February 2017

Geomorphology themed outdoor practice, 28th February 2017

On the last day of February, Environmental Science students from the second year of study went on a geomorphology themed field trip. The outdoor practice took place at the “Dragon’s Garden” (Grădina Zmeilor) near Jibou and the neighbourhood of the Roman castrum Porolissum near Moigrad.  

8 years ago

Erasmus+ Mobility Programme at the University of Szeged, Hungary

Erasmus+ Mobility Programme at the University of Szeged, Hungary

As part of the Erasmus+ mobility programme, in the period of 30th January and 3rd February, three professors and the laboratory technician from our department had been visiting the University of Szeged. They were invited by the Department of Ecology and the Department of Plant Biology. The professors held scientific lectures, and discussed the details of joint research plans and field works with students.

8 years ago

Students participating in the Makovecz Programme

Students participating in the Makovecz Programme

Four students of our department von Makovecz Scholarship. The Makovecz Programme is supported by the Hungarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade.

8 years ago

First year student of the Environmental Protection and Monitoring MSc programme earns a Márton Áron research scholarship

First year student of the Environmental Protection and Monitoring MSc programme earns a Márton Áron research scholarship

Eszter Rápó, first year student of the Environmental Protection and Monitoring MSc programme, earned a Márton Áron research scholarship for the second time. The scholarship is offered by the Hungarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade.

8 years ago

Christmas celebration at the Department on 21th December 2016

Christmas celebration at the Department on 21th December 2016

In December 2016, on the last weak of the semester, teachers and students of the Department gathered to celebrate Christmas and the new year. We wish a Happy New Year to everybody!  

8 years ago

Academic Evening and book presentation with geographer Székely Árpád

Academic Evening and book presentation with geographer Székely Árpád

On 13th December 2016 geographer Székely Árpád from Odorheiu Secuiesc presented his book about the Bucegi Mts. The presentation and the book, illustrated with spectacular coloured pictures, enjoyed the great interest of the audience.

8 years ago

Our students participated at the conference organized by the Transylvanian Museum Society

Our students participated at the conference organized by the Transylvanian Museum Society

On the 25–26th November 2016 took place the conference entitled The Day of the Hungarian Science in Transylvania”, organized by the Transylvanian Museum Society.

8 years ago

Trip to the Turzii Gorge

Trip to the Turzii Gorge

On Saturday (5th November) we walked along Turzii Gorge with a group of students.

8 years ago

Annual visit to the botanical garden in Cluj

Annual visit to the botanical garden in Cluj

This year the regular visit to the botanical garden in Cluj with the first year students took place on the 25th of October.

8 years ago

Geology fieldworks (25–30 October 2016)

Geology fieldworks (25–30 October 2016)

In October the Koch Antal Geological Society organized the 8th “Our environment is our treasure” Earth- and Environmental Sciences fieldwork, on which participated professors and students from the Environmental Science Department of the Sapientia University, the Geology Department of the Babeș-Bolyai University and the Mineralogy Department of the Eötvös Lóránd University. 

8 years ago

Our Department was visited by a collegue from the „Szent István” University of Gödöllő

Our Department was visited by a collegue from the „Szent István” University of Gödöllő

During the last weak of October, within the Erasmus+ Programme for teachers, Gábor Sándor, pedologyst of the „Szent István” University of Gödöllő visited our Department, and performed lectures and field work, assisted by our second year students.

8 years ago

We had a guest from the University of Pécs, Hungary

We had a guest from the University of Pécs, Hungary

In the period of 26–30 September, Tímea Judit Pernyeszi, PhD, assistant professor from the University of Pécs, Hungary, visited us within the confines of the Erasmus Programme for teachers.

8 years ago

Colleagues from the University of Szeged visited our Department

Colleagues from the University of Szeged visited our Department

In the second week of the new academic year we were visited by Ördög Attila, PhD, and Poór Péter, PhD, two biologists from the Plant Biology Department of the University of Szeged, Hungary.

8 years ago

Science lectures in the Traditional Camp at Rigmani

Science lectures in the Traditional Camp at Rigmani

On the 26th of July 2016, three teachers (Urák István, Zsigmond Andrea and Szigyártó Lídia) from the Environmental Science Department of the Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania were invited by the Association for Bird and Nature Protection „Milvus Group”, to attend with science themed lectures the 10th Traditional Camp, organized near Rigmani village (Mureş County), for schoolchildren who are interested in nature and wildlife-protection.

8 years ago

Study trip to the Făget at the beginning of the new academic year

Study trip to the Făget at the beginning of the new academic year

After the first, stressful weak spent with different kinds of administrative tasks, the students of the first year, the freshmen of our university, participated at a relaxing trip, climbing up the hills and descending into the valleys in the Făget forest.

8 years ago

Fábián Botond in the deepest cave of the Earth

Fábián Botond in the deepest cave of the Earth

Fábián Botond, who was our student at the Environmental Science Department, this summer visited the Krubera-Voronya cave, which lays in the Arabica-massif (Northwestern part of Gruzia). This cave is the deepest one known today. Botond reached the deepest dry place in the cave at an altitude of 2080 m under sea level.

8 years ago

Thieme Nóra, winner of a “Every Can Counts Romania” scholarship

Thieme Nóra, winner of a “Every Can Counts Romania” scholarship

Thieme Nóra, our third year student from Environmental Sciences is one of the three winners of a Every Can Counts” scholarship offered by the Alucro non-profit foundation. Her essay and demonstration video deal with the challenges of reducing human-bear conflicts, and are entitled "Alternative methods of protecting agricultural land and livestock, by recycling aluminium cans". Congratulations!

8 years ago

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Sapientia Erdélyi Magyar Tudományegyetem

Sapientia Erdélyi Magyar Tudományegyetem, Természettudományi és Művészeti Kar, Kolozsvár

Sapientia Erdélyi Magyar Tudományegyetem, Nemzetközi Kapcsolatok és Európai Tanulmányok Szak, Kolozsvár

Sapientia Erdélyi Magyar Tudományegyetem, Jog Szak, Kolozsvár

Sapientia Erdélyi Magyar Tudományegyetem, Filmművészet, Fotóművészet, Média Szak, Kolozsvár

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© 2011 Environmental Science Department, Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania, Faculty of Sciences and Arts, Cluj-Napoca

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